Filmmaker Statement: The Genius of Marian

September 18, 2014

the genius of marian

Producing a documentary about Alzheimer’s is a highly emotional process, but this is especially true for The Genius of Marian.  In making the film, director Banker White confronted a disease that has stolen two generations of women from his family. Both White’s mother and grandmother were stricken with early onset Alzheimer’s, a particularly devastating diagnosis.

Early-onset Alzheimer’s is a relatively rare form of the disease. It presents in people aged 30 to 60 and represents less than 5 percent of all people who have Alzheimer’s disease. Although research is still minimal at best, there have been some studies that indicate a genetic link that contributes to an increased risk for developing early-onset Alzheimer’s.

Certainly, one of the biggest challenges associated with early onset Alzheimer’s is the drastic personality changes that affect both personal and professional relationships. Often, people are still in midst of careers and marriages; in some cases they are still rearing children.  In these cases, it is imperative to seek out education and support. This is especially true given the unique social challenges of early-onset Alzheimer’s. Getting connected to services such as support groups can help you identify resources, gain a deeper understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and develop ways to adapt.


 Resources for family caregivers


White’s mother, Pam, was in the process of documenting losing her own mother to early onset Alzheimer’s in a memoir when she herself was diagnosed with the disease. A close knit family, Banker was able to step in and help his mother continue with her project, a project the shifted over the months to focus on Banker’s mother and father’s changing relationship as they adapted to living with the realities of Alzheimer’s.

The Genius of Marian is a very intimate, personal, and candid look at a family affected by Alzheimer’s – which is why Banker published the following Director’s Statement about its creation:




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