As the holiday season draws near, we’re discussing the topic of family. Whether we’re related by blood or connected through shared experiences, ‘family’ are the people who support and love us. How has your family impacted your experience as a caregiver? How do family gatherings around the holiday season affect your loved one?
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Alzheimer’s, like any disease, has a significant effect on the family of the person living with the disease. This December on the blog we hear from three members of our community who have bravely decided to share their thoughts and experiences around our topic. We hear from both Brian and Megan Norton (a father and daughter), as well as Melissa Smith. Each meditation is honest, intimate and beautiful and we’re so thankful for their contributions.
My wife lost her ability to care for our children.
Again I find there is so much to say but still not sure how much to reveal in an effort to protect Amy and the kids. My thought for today was to give a history of how things have progressed over the last few years. I am struggling...
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The Continuous Nightmare by Megan Norton
It was the day… my life would change forever.
The day was sweltering and you could see the beads of sweat dripping from my skin. “Friends” was on the television . I was the happiest person ever, it was a Friday and we were going to my best friend’s house for a barbeque dinner.
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Funny Faces, Favorite Songs - could she tell it was me behind the tears?
Once buzzed in, I walked past the fish tank on the left when an unusually foul smell assaulted me from the bathroom tucked to the right of the corridor and revealed a half naked woman wrestling with a caregiver.
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Stream the Genius of Marian
The Genius of Marian is now streaming for free at www.geniusofmarian.com
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