Elizabeth Mersereau
I am the daughter of a 99 year old mother who lives with me. I have been 24/7 care giver for the last 6 years, and she has lived with me for 14 years.
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Which of these best describes you?
I am family - For the most part my mother is in okay health. My dad had Alzheimer pretty bad. Taking care of my mom has really put a drag on me, and I'm afraid I'm going in the same direction as the both of them. I am worried.
If your loved one was experiencing signs of dementia, would you keep it a secret?
No - As for myself the friends I've had for a long time would notice anyway. I think people notice no matter how hard you try to hide it. I know people are afraid it's going to happen to them so might try to avoid you. Sad.
Who are you here for?
Myself - I'm 75 doing a 24/7 caregiver job for my mom. I'm worried.
The thing I miss most is...
- Freedom to be me. I'm afraid by the time God takes mom I won't have the energy to live free for awhile.
I first began to worry when...
- 6 years ago when I had to quit work to be home to care for my mom. Lately this year I feel angry, stressed, no energy, no interest. I'm forgetting places, I'm searching for words I know. I'm worried.
The hardest part of my today was...
- As soon as I got up and found mom pulled the stuff (including her pills) on the floor. I had to quick pick up the pills before my dog got to them. She roams around at night, and she's unsteady on her feet.
The best part of my day today was...
- When my friend called.
I didn't consider myself a caregiver until I had to...
- Quit my job. Then, this year when I had to deal every day and night with mom. I'm the only one. The job is me, just me. I had her in Adult Day Care. Bathroom problems started, and that upset me so much. Then she doesn't understand the pills any more, so that's a battle every morning and night. I'm tired.
I have found the most support from...
- Adult Day Care. They're doing zoom now, but mom doesn't remember anyone. I sit her in front of the computer anyway.
I have felt most abandoned by...
- My mom. She doesn't remember who I am. Ok, I understand that. She just knows I'm around all the time. She only moves with my direction.
The thing that would surprise most people about my day is...
- I have no energy. I'm doing personal things I never thought I would do.
The funniest thing that has happened was...
The gift of being a caregiver is...
- God gave me this job to do, and I'm trying really hard to do it. Even though I'm a B a lot of the time.
- Being happy. Not being able to go when I want to. Not working.