Kimberly Latzig
Im a 37 year old mom to a 2 year old, who recently lost her mother to Alziehmers.
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Which of these best describes you?
I am family - My mom just past away from this at 60 years old.
If your loved one was experiencing signs of dementia, would you keep it a secret?
No -
Who are you here for?
Parent -
The thing I miss most is...
- My mother
I first began to worry when...
- she couldn't remember what she was cooking
The hardest part of my today was...
- Struggling thinking I may develop it.
The best part of my day today was...
- My son
I didn't consider myself a caregiver until I had to...
- Change, wash, feed, etc
I have found the most support from...
- My Aunt Bonnie
I have felt most abandoned by...
- My brother
The thing that would surprise most people about my day is...
- I feel like I'm lost
The funniest thing that has happened was...
The gift of being a caregiver is...
- Comforting my dad